Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thank you Christelle! =)

I've met the most amazing people online through the blogging world and digital scrapping! One of the gals I met from South Africa just gave me a friendship award!! I didn't know there was such a thing in the blogging community...but how fun! Thank you Christelle for your friendship and for the award! It has been so much fun getting to know you and trying my hand at, well, in a cheating way I guess!!! =) Here are the awards ....

and I would like to pass the 2 friendship awards - Treasured Friends and Leaves of Friendship - on to:

1. Fonnetta

I couldn't imagine scrapping without her! In fact, when I got a glimpse of all the possibilities of what was available online in the digital scrapping world I had to drag her along with me! LOL, I even got her into blogging!!! Now we have the best time over the net and on the phone! We have known each other since we went to Jr. High together and will remain friends for life. A blog award is a small token of how much I value our friendship and respect her as a person. She is an amazing person to know and I feel honored that God allowed us to meet each other! She is everything a best friend should be!

2. Erin

Erin was a student of mine when I was teaching Jr & Sr High. I have watched this young girl grow into an amazing woman and it has been my pleasure to create another scrapaholic! I invited her to attend a paper scrapping Midnight Madness with me and she fell in love with it! I was thrilled because I was needing some scrapping gal pals! She has such a eye for design and is extremely talented. She went on to work for a couple scrapbook stores and teach their classes! When I made the switch to digital I wanted her to see that too and let her play with my program at my house. I see now on her blog that she received some software for Christmas and is dabbling in digital! (HAHA...just wait til she discovers all the challenges, ADSR....FREEBIES!) She and I both still do paper (she more than I), but her creative talent now has a whole new look! Who knows....she may decide that digital is easier to whip out and finish layouts when her new little one arrives later this year!!! =) I've certainly found that digital fits my budget much better! Anyway, Erin I love that I've known you since you were in 7th grade and now we are friends and our kids play together!!! MWAH! =)


Mark said...

You are so sweet! I love that our kids will grow up together, even from a distance. Isn't the blogging world great?!? Awards for simply talking about your family and showing off your talents :-)